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  1. J

    Post any songs you've made, NOW
  2. J

    What is this sample and from where it is.

    It just a riser. just look through all the vengeance clubsounds volumes in FX. I can almost guarantee it will be in there.
  3. J

    Thread for people that make accounts and never post

    Don't be. We are all friends here. come over here and sit on my lap.
  4. J

    Thread for people that make accounts and never post

    You might as well join the sing song.
  5. J

    This place is mad comfy

    Was your google search along the lines of 90s sample CDs?
  6. J

    Thread for people that make accounts and never post

    In the beginning he created the groove And with the groove he made us move And he made you reach out And raise your hands in the air To rejoin us and sing a song of love Sing a song of happiness
  7. J

    Comment by 'JonnyRich' in media 'Colne grime'

    Burnley for you. Their all inbred.
  8. J

    Post what you're listening to RIGHT NOWWWW

    KO3 - Thousand Night (2018 Edit) No link to it on Youtube.
  9. J

    đź’  âś¨ đź“Ž smol đźŽ¶ music Kniteforce Samples 2022-11-02

    These samples come from many well know tracks released on kniteforce, Remix records & Malice.
  10. J

    Kniteforce Samples

    JonnyRich submitted a new resource: Kniteforce Samples - These samples come from many well know tracks released on kniteforce, Remix records & Malice. Read more about this resource...
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