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  1. electroDC

    Favorite Music ! ?

    Iā€™ve been listening to lots of Shoebill, really good mashcore. Also future funk has been in my rotation
  2. electroDC

    Post what you're listening to RIGHT NOWWWW

    https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xzPwmzUlXx0&t=10s&pp=ygUMYXN0cm9waHlzaWNz I donā€™t even know how to describe this album but itā€™s awesome
  3. electroDC

    mentions of ļ½ƒļ½ļ½ļ½†ļ½™ ļ½‚ļ½ļ½˜ in the wild

    Haha that sample cd post is quite popular I guess
  4. electroDC

    What do you like to play in between Music, Job, Studying, etc.?

    Minecraft maybe? Theres always stuff to do and building farms and bases is always fun
  5. electroDC

    Introduce yourself!

    Who are you? I'm electroDC, I havent joined any real forums before but this one stuck out cause it feels original :) How did you find this place? I came across it looking for jungle samples, found the sample cd archive, made an account! Hobbies and other things you enjoy? I make music...
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