- Author
- phyrrus9
- Publication date
- Nov 8, 1996
- Download type
- Open directory
- Other
- Rarity
- Alternative download sources
- https://web.archive.org/web/20190110201022/https://sl.ipseitysoftware.com/
A collection of interesting tutorials and sources by phyrrus9 from 1996-21 year.
EDIT: The original site has died, probably the author of the tutorials abandoned the project and hosting. However, a copy of it is available on WebArchive. Most of the content is links to external sources and forum threads so there will be no problem accessing the content. The link to the cached copy is under "Alternative download source".
EDIT: The original site has died, probably the author of the tutorials abandoned the project and hosting. However, a copy of it is available on WebArchive. Most of the content is links to external sources and forum threads so there will be no problem accessing the content. The link to the cached copy is under "Alternative download source".