Recent content by Polarbit

  1. Polarbit

    List of useful resources ...

    i'm curious
  2. Polarbit

    Le Game Name Generator

    Religious Devil Paintbrawl huh
  3. Polarbit

    Hardware synthesizers/effects/etc discussion thread

    I have a Yamaha PSR-36. I've used it for a few songs and it's really just a cut down version of the DX7 and every sound is adjustable, making it super versatile and it just has that warmth the DX7 seemingly doesn't have
  4. Polarbit

    What do you like to play in between Music, Job, Studying, etc.?

    The Finals is a go-to if I have lots of time available :D
  5. Polarbit

    Oldschool/90s Sample CDs Archive - The motherfucking supreme ultimate collection of all time

    Sadly a few of these on Archive have been shut down They were my go-to ones but oh well
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