Recent content by hypersphere

  1. hypersphere

    3d weapon models

    Reported OP for being glowie
  2. hypersphere

    So I have a webcomic and I think it be fun if yall pitched in some stuff :D

    I think you might have issues with conflicting IP
  3. hypersphere

    Internet Archive might get shut down by the federal court, download your shit right now

    They get millions in funding, yes, but this would have to be an organized and sudden formal protest.
  4. hypersphere

    using Rust for OS development

    There is already a fully rust-based OS
  5. hypersphere

    Internet Archive might get shut down by the federal court, download your shit right now

    They need to shut down their site completely for a month. Turn off EVERYTHING (and maybe do some server maintenance) The Wikimedia Foundation should also turn off their stuff. Just to make a point. This is a library. No one has any right to burn library books!
  6. hypersphere

    Tutorial phyrrus9's tutorial master list

    Link is dead, rip
  7. hypersphere

    schizoposting Here is Practical Explanation about Next Life, Purpose of Human Life, philosophical/religious facts, theories etc.

    I've actually died before, and can confidently say that there is nothingness after death. The light at the end of the tunnel is just your brain losing access to your optic nerve. The feelings of god and stuff are just your brain trying to cope with the fear of nothingness. Can you even imagine...
  8. hypersphere

    Thread for people that make accounts and never post

    You got me! I made an account after being anon for years. Congrats!
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