Recent content by HardWired

  1. HardWired

    FL Studio Hate Thread

    I just don't like FL's UI to be honest. Ableton just feels far more refined and things are organized better.
  2. HardWired

    Thanks! I've been self teaching myself, so its been a huge challenge for me always feeling like...

    Thanks! I've been self teaching myself, so its been a huge challenge for me always feeling like I'm playing catchup with other artists. It makes me really happy that people enjoy my stuff!
  3. HardWired

    I posted about this on the music you made thread but I'll post it here too. My new album Stack...

    I posted about this on the music you made thread but I'll post it here too. My new album Stack Overflow has released(on all major platforms too)! We even have a cool music video for one of the tracks on it.
  4. HardWired

    Post any songs you've made, NOW

    album is out
  5. HardWired

    Post any songs you've made, NOW

    about to drop my album soon I guess this thread is perfect for this
  6. HardWired

    Post your desktop

    I used to have a skin for classic shell but winblows being winblows an update fucked it up and I'm too lazy to change it
  7. desktop4comfy.png


  8. Yume 2kki OST: Adabana Gardens (Extended)

    Yume 2kki OST: Adabana Gardens (Extended)

    Filename: music14My favorite world from the update, could sit here for hours.
  9. HardWired

    Doom/Boomer Shooters

    take the multiple wad files and put them in a separate folder (I call the folder launcher). Select multiple files by click dragging (like you would select multiple units in an RTS game). Open the folder that has your source port (mine is GZDoom). Drag the multiple files onto the source port file...
  10. Wan bushi - Combo whore

    Wan bushi - Combo whore

    Musik Parano mentale 1breakcore
  11. Kagrra, - Uzu

    Kagrra, - Uzu

  12. S A D B E R T   玉ねぎ

    S A D B E R T 玉ねぎ

    Started back in 2019 before I got my current full time job. Completed today so that I could upload a video in 2022 at the request of @jeremynikijuluwstanevil...
  13. Requiem for North Korea's Dear Leader ("Another Day in the D.P.R.K." by MPO)

    Requiem for North Korea's Dear Leader ("Another Day in the D.P.R.K." by MPO)

    *Track available here: this audiovisual whirlwind, we follow a young People's A...
  14. Developing THE Game Platform

    Developing THE Game Platform

    Windows95 is an okay gaming platform I guess. Lossless version is available here:
/pub/ ~ public channel
Help Users
    I’ve used milkytracker it’s pretty decent especially if you don’t wanna spend any cash. However if you’re willing to spend just a bit I think renoise is a great tracker with a lot of versatile features. Also if your not used to using a tracker I always recommend the exact same tracker I started with and that’s lsdj <3
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  • bananalizard @ bananalizard:
    I use OpenMPT cause you get to select the effects you want to use, plus its super lightweight and easy to use
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  • azucartues Chat Bot:
    azucartues azucartues has joined the room.
  • azucartues Chat Bot:
    azucartues azucartues has joined the room.
  • CybrGrl1984 @ CybrGrl1984:
    man im not very active on this forum much
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  • CybrGrl1984 @ CybrGrl1984:
    how are you all?
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  • Wolfmanfur @ Wolfmanfur:
    I'm good and don't worry about not being active, nothing really happens here because the forum is fairly small.
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  • azucartues Chat Bot:
    azucartues azucartues has joined the room.
  • azucartues @ azucartues:
    hi yall
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  • azucartues Chat Bot:
    azucartues azucartues has joined the room.
  • Quote Link
  • azucartues Chat Bot:
    azucartues azucartues has joined the room.
  • castor_andrade Chat Bot:
    castor_andrade castor_andrade has joined the room.
  • H Chat Bot:
    Guest hey has joined the room.
  • H (Guest) hey:
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  • R Chat Bot:
    Guest RevK has joined the room.
  • R (Guest) RevK:
    i'll just share some info
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  • R (Guest) RevK:
    why talking to people is so hard
    Quote Link
  • R (Guest) RevK:
    why overthinking too much what the oother will think
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  • R (Guest) RevK:
    why tf so introvert
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    You just gotta believe!!!
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  • grenadebunny @ grenadebunny:
    hellou i just found this website it looks awesome
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    It’s a fun place full of silly little guys!
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  • azucartues @ azucartues:
    RevK said:
    just relax and talk nobody bites
    Quote Link
  • bananalizard @ bananalizard:
    if they do bite you have an excuse to give them a stank face
    Quote Link
      bananalizard @ bananalizard: if they do bite you have an excuse to give them a stank face