Recent content by arena

  1. arena

    Gangsta Rap era sample CDs

    hey guys, does anyone have any like mid 2000s Gangsta Rap era sample CDs? I don't have enough space to download the whole archive! I have a song I wanna fill with corny ad libs and trap tags and gunshot sound effects. Thanks!
  2. arena

    Post what you're listening to RIGHT NOWWWW WHAT UP GANGSTAAAAAA??!!!
  3. arena

    Favorite food thread !?

    my mother used to make this pasta, where it's like a ton of pasta mixed with diced bacon, chopped chorizo, sausages, chili sausages, then u grate a ton of cheese, throw that in, then a ton of cream cheese too, and then u dump a whole jar of bolognese sauce into it too. best meal of all tiemz
  4. arena

    Post any songs you've made, NOW

    who's rappin????
  5. theendoflonging.mp3


  6. arena

    Post any songs you've made, NOW

    i wrote this little track just as it hit midnight. enjoy :)
  7. arena

    So I have a webcomic and I think it be fun if yall pitched in some stuff :D

    You can find a crack of construct 2 pretty easy!
  8. arena

    i made a netlabel!

    hey guys! a few days ago i made a netlabel! i made an ep of music that's on it right now, with some more music from me and my buddies coming this summer hopefully. check it out: if any of u guys wanna make some music with me i'm always down!
  9. arena

    POST YOUR MIDI FILES HERE i don't know much about trackers, but this is the one piece of tracker music i know well because of the Gentoo meme lol
  10. arena

    Post what you're listening to RIGHT NOWWWW two nghts ago i listened to aphex twin's SAWVII in full from the hours of 00:00 to 03:00. i've heard alot of this album before but never in full like that. It's really beautiful!
  11. arena

    Anyone else made stuff with the samples on here?

    here's a song i made :) the first half is performed on my keytar using a sampler, and the second half is on a piano :D
  12. style_6.mp3


  13. arena


    On 4 August 2020, a large amount of ammonium nitrate stored at the Port Of Beirut in the capital city of Lebanon exploded, causing at least 218 deaths, 7,000 injuries, and US$15 billion in property damage, as well as leaving an estimated 300,000 people homeless. A cargo of 2,750 tonnes of the...
  14. arena

    Weird Underground Experimental Music this is a fantastic record with next to no views. the artist behind it has a frankly insane backlog on top of that this ones a little more mainstream, being released on an actual...
  15. arena

    monthly comfy box remix event?

    sorry i took so long! here u go
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